The Massive Reckoning Astrology 2022 by Randy Keller
I’m sending this message out from my dear friend and brilliant astrologer, Randy Keller. We often collaborate from our particular areas of expertise to give you a complete picture of guidance at the best level of human consciousness. His assessment for the predictive factors in the United States for 2022 can give you a perspective or confirmation of your own intuitive sense of direction and choices. It follows:
“In mythology, Pluto is the god of the underworld. An earlier name for this God was Hades. It’s fascinating when you examine these two names, it is in combination that they give great insight into the workings of Pluto in the affairs of this planet.
Ploutōn was frequently conflated with Ploutos, the Greek god of wealth, because mineral wealth was found underground, and because as a chthonic god Pluto ruled the deep earth that contained the seeds necessary for a bountiful harvest. Hades was identified more with being the ruler of the place souls go to die. A shadowy place where life’s actions are scrutinized and judgements are rendered.
In modern astrology, Pluto has come to be associated with transformation. The kind of transformation that requires confronting the shadowy places within us, the hidden (think underground), our deepest psyche. It is here that we experience a catharsis that ultimately leads to something being released (a symbolic death) so that something new can be born.
Pluto is an energy that orchestrates gateways of regeneration that are vital to the evolution of our souls.
Pluto initiations can be devastating, a powerful purging of our most intense complexes and secrets. All designed to bring us to a massive reckoning that strangely points us toward the direction of a new empowerment and rebirth. Astrologers not only interpret Pluto in the charts of people, but also in the charts of countries. Next year the United States is about to experience the crown prince of Pluto events, it’s Pluto return.
After a two and half century journey (248 years to be exact), Pluto will return to the same position it was in at the time the U.S.A. was founded, 27 degrees 33 minutes of Capricorn. There will be three times in 2022 when Pluto reaches this exact degree because of a back-and-forth path it will be traveling due to its retrograde on April 30, 2022. Pluto’s three conjunctions of 2022 will be on February 20, July 10, and December 28.
This will be an opportunity for healing, but not without some pain.
Journeys to the underworld truly can be hell. Facing our past, our shadows, and the deep psyche are absolutely necessary for us to evolve but not pleasant by anyone’s estimation. This confrontational expedition will require that the United States as a nation and people undergo an intensive round of psychotherapy. One where we talk about the stuff we don’t like talking about. Old wounds will bubble up to the surface exposing something that has been hidden that must now be addressed.
The unresolved issues can no longer be ignored.
There are many shadows we individually carry and nations possess them as well. A few of the more poignant matters that have always dwelled just below the surface of the United States’ young history have been the genocide of Native Americans, the scar of slavery, and the uneven distribution of material wealth under our system. These issues that have been suppressed by the weight of a collective denial are being examined in what will likely become a deeply gut-wrenching process, that if we choose to go the distance, will likely lead to a long-awaited healing.
Turning now to the chart of the founding to United States (I use the Sibly Chart) we can zoom in on the matters and places where the penetrative and renewing plutonian surgery will be focused. At the U.S.A.’s founding, Pluto was at 27 degrees and 33 minutes of Capricorn in the second zodiacal house. This is the house of money, material security, and what we value. Remarkably, residing in the same house, is the south node (SN) of the moon at 6 degrees and 36 minutes of Aquarius.
The south node of the moon in astrology is a karmic stamp symbolizing where one has a gift, but it is also a place we can become trapped or stuck by clinging to the patterns and habits that keep this gift going; albeit in an undesirable manner.
Looking closely at these bedfellows of the second house, a storyline emerges that screams loudly of a country that is structured (Capricorn) to achieve stability and authority through money and material wealth, as well as physical security and comfort. This is the source of the United States empowerment (Pluto). A commitment to prosperity and fulfilling the physical needs of its citizens. When we couple the presence of the SN of the moon in Aquarius with Pluto, we can see even more clearly what will be dredged up as Pluto performs its shamanic dance of healing.
The Aquarian south node in the U.S.A. chart symbolizes a group of exiles, rebels, and a people seeking liberty. The desire to break free from the British Empire was driven by a quest for religious and economic freedom. This motivation was grounded in the individual’s right to determine their own destiny, a disruptive idea that ultimately led to war. Being that the SN is also in the 2nd house, the pattern or karma that needs to be eradicated is one of an excessive focus on money, commerce, wealth, and material possessions.
In astrology, the SN signifies what I like to refer as the proverbial “two-edged sword”. One side is the gift of having great familiarity and skill with a particular energy, the other side represents the unresolved propensity to get things wrong even though we have a gift, there is a misuse or an abusive tendency that has damaging consequences and outright failure of past mistakes are revisited. Further clues into the broader picture of this karmic story can be divined by examining the ruler(s) of the SN.
In the case of the U.S.A. chart, Aquarius has two rulers, traditionally Saturn, and a modern ruler, Uranus. Let’s explore what this might reveal.
Saturn has long been a symbol control and rules. The taskmaster. In the U.S.A. chart, Saturn resides in Libra in the 10th house, the house of rulers, aristocracy (think second sons), and the government. Juxtapose Uranus a symbol of freedom, liberation, and rebellion and we immediately see an inherent underlying tension. A Gemini Uranus is placed in the U.S.A.’s 6th house, the house of laborers, civil servants, armies, and notably healers. I will come back the Healers concept in my conclusion.
It is important to note that the relationship between these two co-rulers of the U.S. A’s south node(karmic story) are in an astrological aspect known as a trine. A trine represents a relationship between Saturn and Uranus that would tend to follow the path of least resistance. One that is generally harmonious. However, we cannot ignore that lurking below the surface of this so-called harmony there exists a hard-wired agitation between a forever negotiating with the public-- Libra Saturn (ruling class), and a restless and rebellious-- Gemini Uranus (common people).
So, as we approach three exact conjunctions of Pluto in 2022, we will likely see that matters of money, material security, and what we truly value as a people will continue to loom large. The process arguably began in April of 2019 when Pluto reached 23 degrees and 9 minutes of Capricorn and has continued to dance within an impactful orb of the U.S.A.’s 2 nd house Capricorn Pluto. We the people are being called upon to face ourself in the Plutonian mirror and to stare deeper than we ever have in the past.
This mirror of truth will show us our shadows and demons. We must not shrink in fear. This is a time of great opportunity.
I wish to leave you dear readers with a shamanic blessing.
May you be empowered with the strength to rise up and face the intense transformative winds that are surely blowing across this great land of promise and bounty. Embrace the regenerative wave. Embrace the healing capacity you possess inside of you. Immense wisdom and understanding awaits those who pass successfully through Pluto’s destitution.
We are the healers we have been waiting for, and it is our time.
The power lies within each of you to let go of what is no longer serving you and to welcome in the new.
And so, it shall be… AYNI
Revolutionary Reckoning