At 15 I thought I would never want to be more than a Nurse Aid in a nursing home.
Spending days, weeks, months and often, years with a person I knew and felt them intimately and at a Soul level. Being present to the aging group allowed me to learn about touch, presence, and death.
Now, as a good student, I continue to learn. Each year I add another wonderful skill as I create a bridge of specialized holistic care that honors both the East and the West.
This seemed to be the time emergencies were frequent. I learned to be the person at the bedside managing those first critical minutes before the professional staff arrived. Waiting for results, Waiting for x-ray. Waiting for medications. Being with the patient while waiting became my skill. Keeping someone informed, calm and comfortable within the chaos of multiple services was a stretch for me. Many think this would be the doctor’s job, but in truth, the aid was the only person available on night shift. I continued in this role for ten years.
These positions before my professional degrees taught me every critical personal and relational skill needed to be the practitioner I am today for teaching, treating, and guiding clients and their families.
Word of mouth has created and sustained my full time practice in Lakewood, Ohio as a holistic health practitioner for over forty years. Being a part of your family support system allows me to use every aspect of my training and experience.
In my early work, some patients passed easily into deep levels of consciousness with me at their bedside. Other’s needed physical care and family support and information about the difficulty of passing into death of the body. I continued as a Nurse’s Aide during college on night shift in the Labor and Delivery rotation in a large hospital.
My beliefs and values…
Patience with everyone, especially the difficult people. No small thing is small to the person that needs it. Believe and be present to someone’s pain. Measure everything precisely-do it twice to be sure. Touch can help when words stop. Be honest-especially when you make a mistake, people’s lives depend on this. Listen deeply. Get it done at the right time. Listen to people who know more than you. Listen to people who you think know less than you-you may be wrong. Smile. Be kind. Show up and be prepared to work.
Holistic health practitioner, international medical intuitive, and bioenergetic healer.
Strong gifts for clairvoyance and clairaudience allows Mary to recognize and name medical, emotional, psychological, and energetic needs for you and those you love. As a practitioner of quantum body mechanics, identifying and promoting wellness for individuals is her life goal. Compassionate confidential counseling accompanies every appointment via zoom or phone call. Remote sessions (distance healing) and surrogate sessions are common for infants and those unable to participate in their care.
Registration, Licensure, Certification & Professional Affiliations, Education
Heart Math Instructor - 2021
Past Life Hypnotherapy - 2019
CranioSacral Therapy - Upledger Institute - 2001-2019
Yuen Mastery - Chinese Energetic Medicine 1995-current 2019
NET level one - 2014
Shamanic Reiki Master-2010
Polarity Therapist, APP - Ohio Institute of Energetic Studies - 2004
State Certification Polarity Therapy Practitioner 2004
Lymphatic Drainage - Upledger Institute - 2002
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant 1999
Reiki Master - Usui Lineage - 1999
Association of Holistic Health Nursing 1997
Total Body Modification - TBM - 1996
Sigma Theta Tau, Academic Excellence 1992
Bachelor of Science, Nursing - Bowling Green University - 1992
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention - Instructor, NCI Institute - 1988
International Society of Psychotherapy and Psychodrama - Trainer 1985
American Heart Association, Basic Level current - 1976
Associate Degree Science, Nursing
What Clients Are Saying
“Mary is a very skilled and powerful healer. She literally helped me over the past 9 years turn my life around in ways I never imagined. I am mentally, physically, and spiritually healthier. I have not been anxious or depressed in years. Between meeting about my supplements quarterly and discussing strategies, that is long gone. In addition, the DNA calls and now being a member of Quantum Community has accelerated my dreams and supports me in every way imaginable. I really do not want to even know where I would be now, if I didn't meet Mary.”
-Tori N.