People sharing their experiences allows others to learn to experience support. See how you can also be nurtured and cared for at Holistic Health Family Practice.
See yourself in others.

Click to watch a discussion with Jeri Leigh, founding member of Quantum Living Community.
Do any of these sound like you?
Mind the gap. Find where you are and click the plus for expanded tools and solutions.
A feeling of discontent is your Soul waking up to a new way of being. Illuminate what is waking up.
Next right step:
Access the most up-to-date guidance on where your best course of action may be in addition to inspired messages from the Heavens on the human Ascendancy pathways that are opening with the Daily Lead text messages.
Next right step:
Click here to sign up for a free trial. After the trial the Daily Lead text messages are $35 a month.
A Medical Intuitive Evaluation pinpoints specific illnesses, imbalances and pre-clinical conditions in the human body. A session can appraise your current state of health and well-being by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your body. Based on what your concerns are, an evaluation can reveal not only your current state of health, but can also validate unresolved thoughts and emotions that may be impacting you and your current state of health.
Next right step:
Click here to schedule a medical intuitive initial evaluation and discover specific answers as well as options for ongoing support.
Click here for Proven Results, a self managed approach with support from Mary and Allyson, both registered nurses.
The need for human connection is compelling-even more so as life isn’t turning out the way you thought. It is the basic anatomy and biology of survival to be supported.
These well researched needs for human connection created the format programs of Quantum Living Community and Quantum Living Community LIGHT. Inclusion in one of the Quantum communities provides sophisticated support in awakening and creating the life you love.
Next right step:
Click here to schedule a 10 minute no cost chat with Mary to see if joining a community is a good fit for you.
Upgrade your DNA with the 2023 virtual retreat series.
The retreats combine genetic research, quantum physics, body/mind techniques and Divinely channeled information through practices that guide your every step.
As a medical Intuitive, I recognize the potential of the current human matrix and accelerated the process of change to the ascendant next right step!
Next right step:
Become a Shamanic Reiki master!
The planetary need for stabilization summons you and your life experiences to a higher vibration. Participate in the development of the Global Community of Light Workers.
You will have a skill that will be the core of your essence for the remainder of your life. A community of nearly 100 Masters throughout the nation welcomes you!
Next right step:
“Mary Maynard is an amazing, trusted and brilliant practitioner. Her unique gifts and talents showcase her abilities to help others strengthen and grow thru any situation.
I have been blessed to work with Mary for many years. She has assisted me in bringing complete well-being and transformation in all areas of my life. Her continued dedication in working me me to achieve my goals has opened many doors of opportunities along with helping me believe my dreams are always within reach. I highly recommend Mary to all my friends and family. Their gratitude speaks a thousand words.”

“Too many instances to count how many times my mind has expanded inside your container of unconditional love and divine awareness. Last week illusions were dismantled for unconscious thoughts to be seen and yet loved unconditionally was the most powerful medicine. Ant troops worked through the night. Neurological excavators. Controlled demolition of old, tall stories. I watched them crumble in my sleep. Clearing space to build anew. Gratitude for you. Gratitude for all that support you. Gratitude for your courage to step into your present psychic surgeon form. Gratitude for my own opening.” -David
“It’s hard to imagine my life before Mary and the Quantum group. I feel like I found my tribe. It has been the most wonderfully supportive and positive experience I’ve had in my life. Mary doesn’t hold her knowledge to herself. She uses every opportunity to teach And share her wisdom. She truly empowers the group to reach their highest potential and beyond. This barely scratches the surface of what I have learned through Mary, Quantum classes, group meditations, private sessions, phone calls, prayer cards, living it out calls and the weekly focus email. I have a divine sense of peace now with so many tools available to me when faced with a challenge. I love the group energy and the loving support we give to each other. This has been a life changing experience for me. Thank you Mary.”

“I’ve been working with Mary for well over a decade. When I first met her she told me to come to my first appointment wearing well-worn shoes, comfortable clothes, and no jewelry. That very first visit was life changing for me! I was stunned by what Mary knew of my story and experiences in life, as well as her practical guidance for resolving a number of concerns I had about my physical and spiritual/emotional well-being. Since that very first visit Mary is the person I trust fully when it comes to my health in all areas. She has helped me rise out of physical health issues and feeling spiritually bankrupt. Mary is a blessing and her work is a pivotal part of changing the world for the better!” -Allison
“After working with Mary for many years individually, I decided to join the Quantum Living Community. The exponential growth I have experienced since joining this community has been phenomenal. Through one on one interactions and group experiences, I know that I am not alone in this journey called life. Mary has always been there for me even when I did not know I needed her. I highly recommend her!”

“So Marvelous! Feeling so full and rich and gracious. So grateful for these steps. Miracles abound. Thank you!”
— SA
Miracle Meditation experience:
“Thank you for creating the miracles meditation. I had such a beautiful experience this morning doing it. I saw rainbows all around me and had four goldish/bronze pieces drop back into the front of my throat chakra flecked with shimmering rainbows. I met with Quan Yin who gave me a hug & light boost around my head and throat chakra. This was the most beautiful meditation experience I've ever had and has inspired me to meditate more.”
— Anonymous
Click the play button above to meditate.