Medical Intuition refers to the ability to provide in-depth insights into your current state of health and wellness. A Medical Intuition Evaluation pinpoints specific illnesses, imbalances and pre-clinical conditions in the human body. A session can appraise your current state of health and well-being by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your body. Based on what your concerns are, an evaluation can reveal not only your current state of health, but can also validate unresolved thoughts and emotions that may be impacting you and your current state of health. No physical contact is necessary. The consultation is completed securely on zoom. This is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions and you will be referred to your legal primary care provider in all circumstances.
Lower cost resources are available. Please click links below to explore the options. For assistance please contact Lisa at
Quantum Light : This group includes special access to planetary updates, one 90 minute group session with Mary via zoom, daily text messages, Mary's review of a personal wellness check, and a monthly meditation! The self-care investment is $89 a month for a three month commitment ($267 total). Payment plan is available.
Intelligent Intuition : Daily divine downloads in text. Subscription is $35 a month.
Monthly Shamanic Reiki Clinic : In person at Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake, OH $20 donation accepted at time of treatment
Initial Evaluation FAQs
What is the required Initial Appointment?
As a new client you are invited to a two-hour initial evaluation session. The Initial Health History document will be completed by you and reviewed together during this time. Using this as a guideline for your concerns, Mary will explore the information in depth in the recorded session. Completion of the format is a first step in opening your energetic field to the history of this lifetime and what you would like to bring into focus. Please be sure to send this form to Mary before the scheduled appointment. During this appointment, energetic corrections, care, and treatment will be added to the document and returned to you. This is a confidential file viewed by Mary only.
What if I don’t complete the Health History form in time?
If your appointment time arrives without this, Mary will continue with intuition only. This will benefit you, but it will keep you from the most important part of the process, which is being heard and clear on what you would like to accomplish. If there are sections of the form too painful to complete, mark that on the section.
How should I prepare for a session?
Have a list of concerns or questions for the meeting. Have any medications, supplements, and remedy nearby.
What happens after the session?
Currently, all appointments are by Zoom only. Downloadable session recordings will be available for 48 hours after the appointment and will then expire permanently. Be sure to download to your computer immediately after receiving the link. You’ll also receive recommendations. Each unique care plan is crafted for you and with you. It will be written out and sent in addition to the recording.
What if I need to cancel?
Accepted 24 hours before appointment. If you are late or not present, Mary will continue serving you through remote healing at the appointed time. If Mary has your Health History, she will type in the recommendations and return to you.