Q: It has been brought to my attention (a lot) that I “twitch or move” when falling asleep and sometimes when sleeping. How can I relax and sleep deeply so I am not twitching and not having this conversation be brought up all the time!?!
It is common for all of us to leave our bodies when in certain brain wave states. Your challenge is leaving and re-entering smoothly. Imagine cords holding you in body at the left ankle and left shoulder.
The energetic picture above is to give you a bit of an idea of what I see when I look at your sleep state. The imagined cords are long standing Soul issues that could resolve with some deep assistance. Where they are at now is tied to some ancient feud where you are bound to retaliate against those who have hurt you and “yours”. You do not go into and out of sleep states due to fear of being “caught sleeping” when your enemy is around. Going the route of forgiveness for yourself and others is the prescription. Meditation on your terror of being caught would help you turn it over to the Universe to resolve. Allow yourself to leave the battlefield with honor. It was just a part of that life and it was good and done now. Your sleep is deep and dreaming is vivid. Do you remember your dreams? ( you can answer below without your name ). This is the energetic, psychic and emotional body reports.
Everyone moves in sleep- but not during the dream state. This protects the body from responding to the images of the dream which can be dangerous!
Physically, you may not know the medical history of your family and whether there are diagnosed cases of Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, or other memory / neurological disorders. There may be none. I mention this due to the evidence of study that muscle movement during REM stage is an early sign of patterns labeled neurodegenerative disorders.
The first order of business is to have a sleep study done.
These are easy, painless, covered by insurance and very valuable information for you. A sleep study can distinguish your muscle movements at what stage of sleep very clearly and definitively. Even a small possibility of this DNA activation would be worth spending an evening at a sleep lab. In my experience with clients early treatment of these DNA patterns can be changed COMPLETELY which this would be for you. Remember this guidance.
You do not at this time show evidence of any central nervous system anatomy being dis-eased. A sleep study can direct us to easy prevention!
As I look at your question and your quantum field the “show” of your sleep pattern is very erratic. It seems to be affected very much by what happened for you the preceding three hours before sleep. You have what I think of as a “velcro brain”! You pick up images, sounds and colors that stay with you at an unconscious level for long periods. Particularly strongly emotional levels that “hit” you when you are vulnerable. Your feelings of being vulnerable to threat is an area for growth. The opportunities for this being improved are endless!
My favorite choice for you is any form of meditation particularly something that brings your physical eyes into the passage of information. Heart Math is great. I am newly certified and amazed at what it has created that allows you to monitor your heart rate variability and responses while you play games and learn to become more resilient emotionally and energetically. Here is a link to the HeartMath Technology - HeartMath site. If you are unsure and would like to hear more that could be helpful-give me a call and I can walk you through a session before you decide to invest in any of the feedback tools they offer. I am a certified teacher and can offer you a discount on the products, also.
All Blessings to you!