Joyful Expectancy

Unifying concept for this June 2021 lesson on Joyful Expectancy

Everything has form in the invisible level of existence

before manifesting in the natural.


Awareness is the educated and conscious use of evolutionary skills.

Awareness will recognize and eliminate these unconscious Mental Body


o   I am lying about my achievements.

o   No one wants to hear this.

o   I can’t keep it up.

o   My mind thinks there has to be more to it than this.

o   I’m cursed or why bother?

o   The universe is conspiring to my defeat.

o   My success will always be ruined by someone or something happening.

o   Be alert for cultural, socioeconomic patterns of scapegoating. This is the collective in which you live.


Two important guidelines for Joyful Expectancy

1)When we finally allow ourselves to let go of past wounds, stuck thought-loops, and pain patterns, we discover that we can live in the now.

2)No matter what anyone has done to us in the past, or is doing to us now, or might do to us in the future, this innermost, hidden center of ourselves remains invincibly established in God as a mysterious Presence, as a life that is at once God’s and our own. —James Finley

Living from history

How limiting beliefs from past lives can affect our present.

Our souls can hang onto patterns we deemed important so many lifetimes ago I will post levels of consciousness on JE page. I like to go to Focus level 15.

What is now anyway?

"If you do not heal your pain you will transmit it."

Shame blame cycle

If you are still transmitting this "stuff" you are also and MUST be receiving it! This is the Universal Law of giving and receiving.

 What is the impact of these pain patterns in manisfest form?

 D-Your Divinity

DNA that you “brought with you” to this lifetime

N-Natural forces

Gestational impacts , planetary environment, astrology and physics of matter           


Developmental circumstances and events

Recognize and practice these conscious

Mental Body CHOICES to develop stamina and presence.

o   Push not to win; but to engage. Engagement is the state of being drawn. “I am drawn not driven.”

o   When you stop the flow of energy through contraction of fear based thinking you collapse, flip out or expansion / contraction becomes overbalanced.

o   Support prevents collapse. Ask and you will receive. Are you using all your strength?

o   Find something contextual (something you already know-some ACCOMPLISHMENT!) To anchor the new experience and belief.

o   Get another source of information outside your framework. This the only way to access information, your own history or level of awareness or perception is a limitation here.

o   Take the paralyzing conflict from the movement, add the flow of illumination to change the pattern-create a new paradigm.

o   I can take an action that is loving for me and let the other person I blame, (God, self or Universe) off the hook.

o   I am learning to accommodate a higher level of life through gratitude and appreciation. These are the two lines on the highway of my life creating a sine wave of peace and manifestation of the dreams of my Soul





The Cost of Being Human