Neurotransmitters Are Your Brain’s Head Lights- is Depression showing you are STUCK Living On Low Beam?
Neurotransmitters are complex in both structure and the function. This blog is not a deep discussion of that-nor is it needed. What’s useful is a basic explanation of how to access neurotransmitters for the purpose of balancing your own system. The four neurotransmitters we are accessing when triggered will either stop or start an activity in the nervous system by opening or closing a cell. This post is intentionally aimed toward learning a physical skill you can use to create, balance and harmonize these chemical messengers in your brain.
Often people misunderstand that “high beam” or “on” is always better than “low beam”. Of course, just as in headlights with driving a car, high beam and low beam each have their own ideal purpose and function.
Ask anyone who can’t get to sleep, has uncontrolled feelings of anxiety or experiences high pitched sounds in their ears if they want to change that chemistry. All would choose to develop the ability to switch from high to low beam right from their fingertips! The brain chemistry is out of balance and they are too “lit”. The cells receiving the bombardment of chemical messages can be exhausted creating all kinds of different symptoms.
Below are the four main neurotransmitters. The two high beams are Dopamine and Acetyl-choline creating action, motion, planning, focus, carrying through and energizing the brain and metabolism. The two low beams are Serotonin and GABA which calm, soothe, help create presence, balance and fine tune your small motor movement.
Consistent practice will make these chemical changes more and more a habit of your system so that the epigenetic plasticity of your nervous system records it as a permanent DNA change.
Even less practice and time is needed if the imbalance is NOT in your DNA but more related to how you move, what you eat and choices in thinking patterns.
More about that next month!