Magnesium is magical!
I was noticing how exhausted I felt even three days after a great fun vacation-and then I thought to check my electrolytes by muscle testing. They were down to the floor on Mg+! Check yourself for these experiences and know that multitaskers burn faster! You can "burn out" in hours.
Physical: intense exertion, manual labor, lack of sleep, travel
Chemical: drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and environmental pollutants such as cleaning chemicals or pesticides
Mental: perfectionism, worry, anxiety, long work hours
Emotional: anger, guilt, loneliness, sadness, fear
Nutritional: food allergies, vitamin, and mineral deficiency
Traumatic: injuries or burns, surgery, illness, infections, extreme temperatures
Psycho-spiritual: troubled relationships, financial or career pressures, challenges with life goals, spiritual alignment, happiness eluding you.
I had so many thoughts on this after the posting. I explored more deeply the methods I have used in the past for Magnesium supplementation for clients ( and myself!) and did a deep study on how I might do better. Here’s a nice, simple chart as a resource for starters!
Be careful with self treatment of any supplement, particularly if you have ever been treated for kidney issues or take high blood pressure pills. I’m happy to do a 10 minute no cost call to check for you if you’re unsure.
It’s perfectly okay to reach out for support!
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. In my practice I have found people who burn magnesium quickly have higher levels of generalized anxiety-not panic attacks, more like lower level worry with peaks of intense focus. Particularly about physical concerns. They have often called themselves “hypochondriacs”.
I see it differently. High levels of anxiety have their purpose which is unique in each person.
A better solution can be crafted when you can fully assess the area of the body that is in need or going without magnesium. When Mg+ is being burned rapidly, I also ask the body what is the purpose of the extra metabolism. Often it is a higher need for healing. Stem cells are the replacements for areas that are damaged of disease. High use of Mg+ produces triple the stem cells in the bone marrow.
It’s involved in over 300 metabolic reactions that are essential for human health, including energy production, blood pressure regulation, nerve signal transmission, and muscle contraction. Do you sense where your metabolic “demand” is the highest? I can feel it in my muscles. I get a little weak in my knees or just feel like I ‘d rather “sit”.
Interestingly, low levels are linked to a variety of illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders, and migraines. It doesn’t hurt to test this out by trying some extra for a migraine.
Mg+ rich foods are easy to find in the average diet. What I find is that the people who need it the most are unable to process the digestion of the food where Mg+ is bound. An anxious person eating a kale salad will not make enough of the digestive enzymes or stomach acids needed to break down the greens. The same is accurate for depressed people or someone watching TV while eating. The eye-brain connection will shut down the gut if you are watching Die Hard four or a sad romance. Your gut can’t tell the difference from the emotions on the screen and real life. It will try to “emotionally digest” the experiences you are watching. You aren’t psychotic-it’s just the way the gut-brain works to keep you safe. To boost intake many people use supplements. I know of nine varieties. I’m only highlighting the most used here now.
Magnesium citrate
Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium that’s bound with citric acid. This acid is found naturally in many fruits like oranges, limes ( all citrus ) and gives them their tart, sour flavor. Magnesium citrate is one of the most common magnesium formulations. Science sees this form as the most easily digested utilized-that means it is more bioavailable than other forms of magnesium, It is a great natural laxative so check what you have purchased in the dosage range for constipation relief. The moderate dosing range had a calming effect and relieves several kinds of depression symptoms like low energy.
Magnesium oxide
Magnesium oxide is a salt that combines magnesium and oxygen. Milk of Magnesia was a popular product for constipation relief in the last decade featuring MO. This is the magnesium of choice for gastroenteric issues of indigestion along with constipation. Please use this short term. If you have indigestion there are many causes that are important to explore. Research shows that if the indigestion is related to acidity it may actually be a better choice to add an acid like HCL. This sounds counter intuitive but very well researched. Not a good choice to raise blood magnesium levels.
Magnesium chloride
This is the workhorse of the magnesium tribe! It’s well absorbed in your digestive tract, making it a great multi-purpose supplement. You can use it to treat low magnesium levels, heartburn, and constipation. Magnesium chloride is most frequently taken in capsule or tablet form but also sometimes used in topical products like lotions and ointments. Sprays for the skin are really popular. Also, applying it topically may help relieve muscle soreness but not boost your magnesium levels.
Give it some thought! If you need guidance give me a call.