What is Shamanic Reiki?
Shamanic Reiki is a channeled series of Divine Guidance uniting Planetary influence and Reiki attunements to create change. It is the only Shamanic Reiki certification class in the nation.
We are eliminating separation by uniting Divine and Planetary energies and creating a global community. Activate your unique potentials in Divine partnership and relationship with the kingdoms of Rocks, Plants and Animals. They await your cooperation. The planetary need for stabilization summons you and your life experiences to a higher vibration. Increase your usefulness to the Universe, Self and All. Participate in the development of the Global Community of Light Workers. You will have a skill that will be the core of your LightWorker practice for the remainder of your life. A community of nearly 100 Masters throughout the nation welcome you!
What you receive
There are three full and Enhanced Reiki Attunement Levels of Shamanic Initiation: Honor Level 1, Influence Level 2, and Power Level 3 Mastery at the end of each attended class (with demonstration of skill practice).
Levels include:
-Three days of energy anatomy, shamanic tools, protections, practices and pathways to raising yours and others vibrations through dynamic interactive teaching and hands-on skill building. Monthly clinical supervision at no added cost. Monthly class audit available after completion with option to learn how to offer attunements for others.
-Master Energy Transfers from Mary Magdalene, Kwan Yin and White Tara, Archangel Metatron.
-Introduction and methods of use for directed Reiki, the Universal Life Force.
-Introduction and methods of use for directed Planetary Energy, Shamanic principles and practices.
-Combined methods of healing with these Divine and Earthly energies
-Recognize, develop and use High Sense Perception
-Protection: yours and others
-Attunements and recognition of Higher frequency for your energy systems
-Body Memory to enhance your life and Light Work practice
-Seeing, Sensing, Knowing, Hearing: find your Essence and Own it for Healing
-Basic Locations of energy anatomy- chakra, meridian, flow, spin.
-Recognize pathways around blocks, barriers, interferences and delays in the energy circulations (basic to advanced throughout class levels).
-Workbook and (approximately) 9 hours of Practice Sessions.
-Invitation to practice at monthly SR Clinic and receive no cost Clinical Mentoring.
-Invitation to a yearly Shamanic Reiki retreat using funds from SR Clinics.
Eligibility and requirements
All are welcome to attend. There is no previous experience or training required! The following groups may find this new skill especially useful for their practice:
-Novice to Mastery level practitioners in Light Work and related fields
-Health care providers who are expanding their own personal and client care options
-Those beings who are on the path to consciousness and attunement to the Human Grid of Compassion
-Current Reiki practitioners welcome to attend to gain the Shamanic attunements and unite the Planetary and Divine energies
Meet your Instructor
Mary Maynard is a translator of Truth and her education crosses multiple fields of study including but not limited to nursing, medical intuitive skills, HeartMath®, Craniosacral, Polarity, Lymphatic Drainage, Quantum Hypnosis, and Chinese energetic bodywork. As a registered nurse and 20+ year Reiki Master she will guide you in activating your unique potentials in Divine partnership and relationship with the kingdoms of Rocks, Plants and Animals. Get to know Mary more here.
A community of nearly 100 Masters throughout the nation welcome you!
Shamanic Reiki Reunion at Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake, Ohio 9.26.21