Quantum Living Community Vision Page Notes




What is the purpose of this change in our class?

We'll be creating some serious vision pages in QLC and learning how to translate

image + frequency + action = manifestation.

This is not just one more way of demonstrating your Dream Vision. As you create, I will be instructing you in the methodology, adjusting the brain hardware in DNA and deleting and replacing the software of outdated habits.


What are we going to be doing?

You are now and ongoing getting in the habit of gathering ideas, words, images and pictures on the following vision and dream topics as they appear in your mind’s eye .


Financial Abundance

Calendar Ease

Relationship Joy

Vocation Choices

Soul Purpose

Life Path Management

This new idea and habit will raise doubts and terror barriers to the surface. Yes. That’s how you drive the unconscious to awareness. You may feel all kinds or resistance to doing this part of the creation, because of the discomfort. Accept the resistance with gratitude and continue gathering your images. Be grateful, in the spirit of noticing and still moving with courage.


I already have a vision board; can I just use it? What about my old board-it still has some stuff I want to keep? Can I use my computer to create an online board? Can my spouse and I share a vision page?

“Out with the old and in with the new .” is the Divine guidance on these questions.

Have you never shared with a spouse before-do it! Are you always sharing with someone and not enough investment in yourself? Get the boundary straight make it only about you. Perhaps one just for the two of you? Be creative and love yourself as you love another.

Have you held on to images that are just not manifesting the way and time you would like?  Toss them out and revisit the energy that put them there. Get a new image from a new place of higher love.

Love a certain picture on a current board that still has “juice”? Cut it out and reuse or take a pic of it and print it out anew for a better place in your life- the same and yet improved!

The cost benefit of online pages eliminates the human body need for touch and 3D vision. We are already seeing some effects of a 16month relationship of 1D for many. Wonder into the question and see how it fits for you. The cost / benefit may weigh in your favor of online. Be prepared to print on heavy paper for use throughout the year. We watch the planet evolve in this world view of 1D with interest and encourage experimenting.


If I am in person. will there be social distancing? Masks? Vaccination card requirements?

Space is super available at my place. Be three feet apart or with your own table in the office downstairs. We will sort and order preferences of space as people arrive and make known what they need. If you feel passionate about specific needs, come early and pick your spot or join the hybrid group on the Saturday. If you feel shaky, email me and we will see your best choices. I guess a max of 10 people per in person group.

Is it better in person with this?  

I would LOVE to have my powerful hands on your equally powerful vision pages and assist in the process in person. Certainly, there is no less power through our zoom link as we evolve through the 1D. Make your choices of class, with this in mind, along with transportation and your general sense of whether being with others in 3D will benefit you.


Do we wear the same things as we do on zoom or are pants required?

No judgments.


What will be provided for in in person classes and what do I bring?

Bring with you:

Images, Ideas, Interest, a favorite glue stick or scissors.

Something to drink that is in a non-spillable container-lots of paper on the tables and the inevitable spill. A favorite glue stick or scissors. I have generic ones.

I have:

All kinds of paper, scissors, glue sticks, hole punch. I have some magazines to clip if you like, but plan to spend more time with me on the creating not collecting. If you are online, this is where the six pages of card stock paper sent to you in your packet comes in use. Have none? Let Sarah / Renee know.


Where I am located

1624 Onondaga Ave

Lakewood, Ohio 44107



On the street only. The Doughnut shop at the end of the street on Madison is the best. A short walk to my place on the left-hand side of the street. The driveway is reserved.

Feeling stuck? Here are some Visioning Hacks to try out:

  • Pull a prayer card for each category. (Vocation, Relationship, Calendar Ease, Financial Freedom, Soul purpose, All body wellness)

  • Take a picture of the card or play with writing the statement out "fancy". You can stop here and use these as images or, take it to the next level!

  • Flip quickly through a magazine and feel for images that resonate with each card. Have a specific picture in mind? Unsplash.com has beautiful professional photos available for free download.

  • Reach out if you could use some extra support!


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